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Character Information
Dr. Phineas







SS Debut


Comic Debut




A technomage raised in the heart of the Albion Technocracy as another technomage in a long line of mages, Phineas wanted a better life for his son, and consciously pushed him toward a civilian's lifestyle. It didn't work out. Broken by his son and by external influences, he has resumed his place in his family as fragile and compliant as possible, but a dark pall hangs over his heart. The world just isn't the same as it used to be...

Basic Stats[]

Nicknames/Aliases: N/A

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Birthday: February 21

Type: A definite INFJ.

IQ: 120

Blood Type: A+

Height: 3'10"

Weight: 86 lb.

Build: Slight, compact

Residence: Albion

Occupation: Technomage, Former Physician

Marital Status: Unmarried, Widowed

Favourite Food: Vanilla yogurt, pasta, green apples, green gelatin

Likes: Sweet things, chocolate, his grandfather-clocks, puzzles, snow, Finitevus, Emi-Li

Dislikes: Alcohol, Uncleanliness, dust bunnies, fish, blood

Fears: Drowning, Rejection; Not so much everyday rejection, but more personal rejection (e.g. Finitevus, his only family right now, he fears if Finitevus were to reject and/or cast him away and out of his life.) The Blue-screen of death.

Hobbies/Talents: Hobbies and talents are mostly concentrated on computers or any sort of machine he can get his hands on… tends to take them apart and put them back together again, same with watches, clocks, etc… Excellent at jigsaw puzzles.

Aspirations/Dreams: Dreams have been shattered. They're so fragile, so prone to destruction.

Themesongs: I Control - The Queenstons

Doctor Q - Renard

Joke Theme: Magic Stick - Lil Kim ft. 50 Cent


Phineas is a very caring person, and always puts himself in the other's shoes. It doesn't take much to make him flustered or nervous. He is known for being compassionate and giving, but often acts like it's penance for a horrible action, and the guilt never seems to leave him. He's happier when with Phaedonas, though.

Despite the previous paragraph, Phineas strongly objects to spending any sort of time with his family, whether it be his father, grandfather, or step-granddad (Vladi). He left them a long while back, and he's pretty determined to keep it that way, even with the belief that his father died (for real this time? nah). Spending time with his son is another issue, as any sort of interaction dredges up painful memories.

Phineas' deep dark secret is revealed any time someone has the misfortune to touch his spines and circuits to any degree to stimulate a change-over. His previous disposition, a sour, malicious, and sadistic creature, returns to play, to the detriment of the people around him. He also is subject to various guilt-related or stress-induced breakdowns where he is afflicted with episodes of freakouts or waking nightmares, with little memory of what occurred during the time his mind was gone, only with the awareness of a vague terror.




Voice: Lightly accented, He has a soft and calm voice which comes off as warm and inviting. (Most of his family has the same accent... The further up the line the more dominant their accent is.) Also, when his cybernetics are activated, his voice has a metallic tinge to it and sounds more clear or dominant. His voice also takes on a cold and dominating quality to it. But nothing too drastic.

Balance: Good. Not afraid of heights either.

Posture: Fair posture. The years have taken a toll on his back, but he tries his best not to slouch or anything.

Stamina: Fair.

Hearing: Excellent hearing.

Climbing: His strength is not so much in his physical body, so he’d have a difficult time climbing. His bad knee wouldn’t get him anywhere far anyways.

Speed: Extremely quick, but only in short bursts.

Strength: Again, his strength is no so much in his body, but more-so in his mind.

Swimming: Cannot swim at all. And with all the metal inside of him, he wouldn’t want to learn how to swim either

Computers: Loves them dearly, so naturally he is a computer geek. He could take apart even the most advanced computer, clean every part, put it back together and get it running again and obviously, is quite the hacker.

Driving: Has a driver’s license but he doesn’t own his own vehicle, takes the speed rail instead or walks.


  • Physical: His hearing is beyond the capacity of ordinary Mobians. INCLUDE BASIC ATTACKS HERE.
  • Mental - ENTER
    • Intelligence: Very much books smarts, he wouldn’t last very long in the ‘bad side of town’. NEEDS TO BE RE-WRITTEN HERE TO REFLECT THE PROMPTED QUERY.
    • Sanity: 78% sane (Slowly descending)
    • Learned: Knowledge with computers, Excellent cook (Italian cuisine specifically), Quick thinker, Quick to learn new languages, therefore can serve as a translator.
    • Critical Thinking: When it comes down to it, Phineas can think quickly on the spot and develop a plan that would best suit the situation.
  • Learned - ENTER
    • Book-smarts: ENTER
    • Street-smarts: ENTER
    • Wisdom: ENTER
  • Special - ENTER
    • Attacks: His attacking style is extremely flexible. Once truely engaged in battle, the gentle doctor is all over the place, throwing kicks and bending in ways you wouldn't imagine. (Take Voldo's style for example.)
    • Martial Arts: Again, does not fight; but surprisingly is best at close combat.
    • Powers: Phineas is a technomage, a special subset of the Mobian race with the ability to manipulate and control technology at his whim. While he is not nearly as powerful as his great-grandfather or grandfather, both said to have been able to manipulate portions which are not strictly technology due to a technological view of the world, he is a rather frightening force to behold, and it was this power alone that destroyed his wife.
  • Instincts/Reflexes: His reflexes are obscene. Due to intensive training, he is practically at ninja quality in expecting attacks and dodging them. Though untested, it is rumored he can catch a knife, bullet, or arrow in thin air. Aided by his remarkable hearing, he is aware of people trying to sneak up on him, and can probably expect an attack or ambush before it occurs.
  • Chaos - ENTER


  • Physical
    • General: His right knee. Back when he was younger, he had run into a group of Legionnaires, and since they don't take too kindly to 'drop-outs' he was dragged into a nearby vacant building and well, had the shit beaten out of him and one of them had throw a cement cinder block on his knee.
    • Ailments: Sight: Beginning to go blind in his right eye so has a bit of trouble seeing on his right side. However, with his superb hearing, this is not much of a problem.
    • Allergies:
      • Different types of pollen: Sneezing and itchy eyes
      • Any kind of Fish/Fish Oil: Serious- Throat swells up and blocks airway, may go into anaphylactic shock
  • Mental: Tends to be too trusting in others... He tries to see the good in others even when it’s not there. Also has urges…mental tics if you will. (See below)
  • Emotional - Due to extreme trauma done to him by his own son, Phineas is prone to anxiety attacks, which can occur almost at random. His episodes of panic attacks can range from either strained headaches to hyperventilation and insomnia. Although they can happen at random, Phineas can always tell when an episode may start... He uses this as a chance to get away from others, locking himself in small rooms, concealing himself in the dark so that he may try to get a grip on reality, by himself. Another reason why he secludes himself from people is that if his episode may be violent (Which it rarely is) he is almost guaranteed to try hurt anyone who comes in contact with him. Has be known to hurt himself as well.
  • Learned - Again, thanks to certain events, Phineas is always nervous around anyone who he comes into contact with, which causes for a lot of hesistant, unsure thinking.
  • Special - When Phineas focuses on something, he is bent on finishing or work at it until it is tolerable by his standards. Which is usually cleaning or fixing things that are asymmetrical. (He may or may not have inherited this from his father, Corbyn.) Addionally, when drunk (Which never happens... ever.) he tends to make rash and completely stupid decisions, which leaves him completely vunerable.
  • Instincts/Reflexes - ENTER
  • Chaos - ENTER


  • Items: He is usually seen with his wooden walking cane and when he was a technomage, he used a staff to help him get around. Either way, Phineas always uses something to support and help him get around. He usually has a stethoscope handy, but this is only sometimes. Finitevus provided him with two warp rings which he currently sports on his dreadlock.
  • Weapons: Phineas possesses no weapons, (Perhaps his wooden cane could be considered a weapon, but even then, one could tell it isn't strong enough to do much or any damage) though when his cybernetics are engaged, (Which is a rare occurance) his only weapon is his mind and speed.


  • Dr. Kloana-Ze - His son's counterpart. Likes to visit him as often as he can.


  • Gozen - The two have been frequently at each other's throats - quite literally, when Phin isn't being shot at



External Information[]

Phineas' Diary

  • The afformentioned panic attacks were capitulated upon by Asura in the course of pursuing the mage through making each attack appear to be one of the standard panic episodes that Phaedonas and his family were all too familiar with. For a while, even Phineas justified it under extreme episodes resulting in black outs and memory loss, as he often found himself waking up in his closet with blood and skin cells under his fingers, and small wounds on his body. This supposition didn't last long under scrutiny, but it served its purpose in snaring him.

-Phineas' sensitive region is his dreadlocks.
